Maker Marketing
Full service marketing services from email marketing, facebook ads, google ads, SEO, website setup and configuration. Anything that drives in revenue.
Agency services for facebook ads run between $2000-4000 per month. Google ads $1000-2000. Email marketing $1200-3500 per month. This doesn't include knowledge of the industry or any.
I have been in marketing forever for my own businesses and multi million dollar a year e-commerce stores such as Patrick Adair Designs.
I know exactly what it takes to setup, grow and scale and brand.
How It's Made
Here's a quick video that shows what goes into making our rings. We hand craft each ring in house made specifically for you. We use the highest grade carbon fiber, ultra pure epoxy that has been cured and post cured for maximum strength, super bright glow and high grade materials across the board.
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We have a video of clips of different things we've all accomplished in the Rune and Carbon Fi shop this last year. Check it out!